Monday 10 October 2011

Survey Monkey Audience Profile :)

Evaluation- Survey Monkey
From the results that I got from my survey monkey questionnaire I know that my audience profile are  females that are aged 15-17, they are people who are interested in hip hop, RnB, pop, rock and indie type of music. I also know that my audience are interested in swimming, shopping, playing video games, listening to music, going to music festivals, acting, going to the movies and social networking.
From the results I know that my audience go grocery shopping 4 times a week. I also know that they go shopping for luxurious goods mostly or either always. I also known that they spend around 100-149 on grocery shopping, and they spend up to £35 on luxurious goods.
My audience go on the internet twice a day and they use the internet for social networking and research.

1 comment:

  1. Dilara
    This is a good effort. you have summarised the information from your survey and created a profile of the audience. This is a merit.
    To make this even better you could describe the audience more like they are an individual. Imagine them like you are describing a friend. What is important in her life? What are the things that she loves?

    Mr Monahan
